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Mary Craig Ministries Update No. 21 - 9/1/2005 |
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Greetings in Jesus!This is the first Update that has gone out since Dec 1, 2004. A lot has happened in 9 months, but I'm afraid I haven't been doing a very good job at sending out our Updates. I have been keeping the website updated tho. So if you've continued to visit the website, you've been able to get see some news, the March Newsletter on the home page, Mary's Message of the Month, and some of the prophetic words that have been received.
Ok, here's the latest on some of the main events that have been happening.
First, we have several new newslist members that have joined
-Anita Garden from North Carolina
-Stephen Peele from South Carolina
• Indiantown: On Dec. 5th, Pastors Jim and Mary will lead a MCM mission team to Indiantown, Florida to minister help and the Gospel to the Mayan Mexican and Guatemalan migrant workers there. Plans were in the works for outreach to them when two hurricanes went through their community in one month. Many were devastated by these hurricanes and are in great need.
We will be giving away clothing, toys, school supplies, Bibles, tracts and books in Spanish, and canned goods. Also, some have donated Target, Walm-Mart, and Office Depot gift cards in the past, which have been used to purchase new items of underwear, baby clothes, school supplies, baby supplies, etc.
What are "migrant" farm workers? Migrant farm workers in the United States are mostly immigrants, many of them "undocumented", mostly from Central and South America. Increasingly, their children are born in and grow up in the US on the farms. They receive the lowest wages, far below the legally required minimum wage, and have little legal protection and few rights. They perform much of the low-wage hard labor in the US, especially of harvesting various crops by hand six days a week from sun-up to past sun-down. Many travel from farm to farm or state to state (thus the term "migrant") trying to keep their families fed, but are also often plagued with alcoholism, drugs and other vises. Most of the children get limited or intermittant education.
The Mayan migrant farm workers here in South Florida are mostly from Mexico and Guatemala. They are descendants of the Mayan "Indian" people of those regions. The Mayan culture in the Americas goes back almost 1000 years, according to legend and historians. The Mayans were a large, powerful and highly cultured civilization for centuries until the Spaniards conquered them with great difficulty in the 1500s. Many have converted to Roman Catholicism while keeping many of their ancient Mayan beliefs and practices.Recommended sites -- The Mayan people and their background:
Wikipedia - Maya . UnMuseum - Lost Cities . - Maya . - Maya (more) . HistoryLink101 - Mayans . Hach Winik - Lacandon Maya
[See Mary's article, Christmas Blessings, for the Mayan ministry report from Dec. 7th.]
• See News from Zambia for the story of the recent mission trip to Zambia and Zimbabwe and the latest reports and news from there. (This time the link works! J )
• Preparations are being made now for a MCM mission to Bulgaria and Switzerland next summer.
A lot has been happening at Craighouse. Here's a summary.
• Who is Jesus Christ? This was an intense, in depth Bible study from Genesis to Revelation with Pastor Mary on Fridays that was completed in December. "Searching the Heart of God" through the prophets was on Tuesdays. In the ministry time -- God's anointing, presence and revelation of his holiness and call to our holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ. God has been speaking to one young lad of 12 who faithfully comes to most every meeting. He has a hunger for God, has been quoting many of the scriptures he has been learning and is becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit on him in the prayer time.
On Sundays, Pastor Jim is teaching the Scripures verse by verse. He carefully expounds from the Greek and the epistle's and author's background on the meaning of the God's word. This also leads to times of lively discussion as we seek to understand and apply the teaching in our lives. A time for testimonies of what God has been doing in people's lives sometimes follows.
• Africa Report: Jim gave a beautiful and fascinating multimedia presentation on the big screen of the recent missionary trip to Africa. The wonderful story of what God did, the ministry times, the people and children at the orphanage, God-ordained encounters with and prayer for the animals and much more was told through pictures, video, sound and narration. Please see News from Zambia for some of the amazing details.
• Worship service for the persecuted: We had a special worship service and prayer time for the persecuted church led by Pastor Jim on Sunday Nov. 14th as planned, using the materials and multimedia presentation from International Christian Concern ( The reality of the tortures, suffering and murders in large numbers and the stories of some of them were shocking and heart-rending to watch and listen to. It was noted that more Christians in the world are suffering intense persecution than are not and that there are more Christians being persecuted and martyred worldwide than at any time in history. Jim also shared with us his research and multimedia teaching on the background to present day persecution, particularly the teachings from some of the major religions and ideologies that are behind this. The Lord is repeatedly reminding us to pray for those in persecution, especially since we will need to have been found faithful this way if and when the time comes that we undergo these trials.
After the service and prayer time, we had an extended prayer time for each other. Some strong prophetic words came for Mary along with the Holy Spirit's presence and anointing.
• See the Craighouse Events Calendar for the latest on what's happening at Craighouse.
• See the Prophetic page for some of the recent words that have been given in the meetings.
• Christmas Caroling: On Sunday, Dec. 19th, we will have a fellowship dinner and then go out Christmas caroling in the neighborhood. We will be going house to house, singing and celebrating our Savior's birth. If you are in the South Florida area please join us. And bring your children! See Craighouse Special Events for the details.
• About Us: I have added a menu to this section to make it easier to navigate and see what's here.
• Missions section: Contains reports and news about MCM mission trips to some of the 51 countries visited so far. This has been organized a bit better and a menu added.
• Jerusalem's Destiny: More prophetic and related scriptures and promises have been added. I have compiled some of the clearest promises concerning Jerusalem, the Jewish people and the return of Christ on this page.
• Advanced Search: Improved and more help added. This is a very powerful and customizable search engine that allows you to search the website and view the results in all kinds of ways that can be very helpful. All of the options may seem daunting, but you can use as many or as few of the features you need.
• Updates page: See all past MCM Update mailings here.
• Miscellaneous other minor revisions and improvements have been made around the website, besides the usual addition of articles from Pastor Mary.
He is coming again......Men's hearts [will be] failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:25-28Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!
But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless... 2 Peter 3:10-14Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood-- and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father--to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Rev. 1:4-8He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
If you did not receive the last MCM Update that was sent in December, please reply and I will email it to you, or click here to see it now.To view this and all past MCM Updates through your browser, click this link: MCM Updates.
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Mary Craig Ministries Update Vol 2 #3 - 12/1/2004 (No. 20) |
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this update!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Greetings in Jesus!Here's the latest on what's happening at Mary Craig Ministries.
Welcome to our new newslist members...
-Anita Garden from North Carolina
-Stephen Peele from South Carolina
• Indiantown: On Dec. 5th, Pastors Jim and Mary will lead a MCM mission team to Indiantown, Florida to minister help and the Gospel to the Mayan Mexican and Guatemalan migrant workers there. Plans were in the works for outreach to them when two hurricanes went through their community in one month. Many were devastated by these hurricanes and are in great need.
We will be giving away clothing, toys, school supplies, Bibles, tracts and books in Spanish, and canned goods. Also, some have donated Target, Walm-Mart, and Office Depot gift cards in the past, which have been used to purchase new items of underwear, baby clothes, school supplies, baby supplies, etc.
What are "migrant" farm workers? Migrant farm workers in the United States are mostly immigrants, many of them "undocumented", mostly from Central and South America. Increasingly, their children are born in and grow up in the US on the farms. They receive the lowest wages, far below the legally required minimum wage, and have little legal protection or rights. They perform much of the low-wage hard labor in the US, especially of harvesting various crops by hand six days a week from sun-up to past sun-down. Many travel from farm to farm or state to state (thus the term "migrant") trying to keep their families fed, but are also often plagued with alcoholism, drugs and other vises. The children often get limited education.
The Mayan migrant farm workers here in South Florida are mostly from Mexico and Guatemala. They are descendants of the Mayan "Indian" people of those regions. The Mayan culture in the Americas goes back almost 1000 years, according to legend and historians. The Mayans were a large, powerful and highly cultured civilization for centuries until the Spaniards conquered them with great difficulty in the 1500s. Many have converted to Roman Catholicism while keeping many of their ancient Mayan beliefs and practices.Recommended sites -- The Mayan people and their background:
Wikipedia - Maya . UnMuseum - Lost Cities . - Maya . - Maya (more) . HistoryLink101 - Mayans . Hach Winik - Lacandon Maya
[See Mary's article, Christmas Blessings, for the Mayan ministry report from Dec. 7th.]
• See News from Zambia for the story of the recent mission trip to Zambia and Zimbabwe and the latest reports and news from there. (This time the link works! J )
• Preparations are being made now for a MCM mission to Bulgaria and Switzerland next summer.
Much is happening at Craighouse. It's always difficult to try and summarize in a few paragraphs what God is doing over the months between Update mailings, though it is necessary to keep this newsletter as short as possible.
• Who is Jesus Christ? We have continued in intense Bible study from Genesis to Revelation and lively discussion with Pastor Mary as she teaches in depth on who Jesus Christ is on Fridays and "Searching the Heart of God" through the prophets on Tuesdays. Mary does a great job of getting seminary level Bible teaching down to earth so we can all understand it! In the ministry time, God's anointing, presence and revelation of his holiness and call to our holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ continues. Thank God for his grace, mercy and patience (long-suffering) with us through the process of sanctification (getting us there)! God has been speaking to one young lad of 12 who faithfully comes to most every meeting. He has a hunger for God, has been quoting many of the scriptures he has been learning and is becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit on him in the prayer time.
On Sundays, Pastor Jim is teaching James chapter 1, verse by verse. He carefully expounds from the Greek and the epistle's and author's background on the meaning of James' message. This also leads to times of lively discussion as we seek to understand and apply the teaching in our lives.
• Africa Report: Jim gave a beautiful and fascinating multimedia presentation on the big screen of the recent missionary trip to Africa. The wonderful story of what God did, the ministry times, the people and children at the orphanage, God-ordained encounters with and prayer for the animals and much more was told through pictures, video, sound and narration. Please see News from Zambia for some of the amazing details.
• Worship service for the persecuted: We had a special worship service and prayer time for the persecuted church led by Pastor Jim on Sunday Nov. 14th as planned, using the materials and multimedia presentation from International Christian Concern ( The reality of the tortures, suffering and murders in large numbers and the stories of some of them were shocking and heart-rending to watch and listen to. It was noted that more Christians in the world are suffering intense persecution than are not and that there are more Christians being persecuted and martyred worldwide than at any time in history. Jim also shared with us his research and multimedia teaching on the background to present day persecution, particularly the teachings from some of the major religions and ideologies that are behind this. The Lord is repeatedly reminding us to pray for those in persecution, especially since we will need to have been found faithful this way if and when the time comes that we undergo these trials.
After the service and prayer time, we had an extended prayer time for each other. Some strong prophetic words came for Mary along with the Holy Spirit's presence and anointing.
• See the Craighouse Events Calendar for the latest on what's happening at Craighouse.
• See the Prophetic page for some of the recent words that have been given in the meetings.
• Christmas Caroling: On Sunday, Dec. 19th, we will have a fellowship dinner and then go out Christmas caroling in the neighborhood. We will be going house to house, singing and celebrating our Savior's birth. If you are in the South Florida area please join us. And bring your children! See Craighouse Special Events for the details.
• About Us: I have added a menu to this section to make it easier to navigate and see what's here.
• Missions section: Contains reports and news about MCM mission trips to some of the 51 countries visited so far. This has been organized a bit better and a menu added.
• Jerusalem's Destiny: More prophetic and related scriptures and promises have been added. I have compiled some of the clearest promises concerning Jerusalem, the Jewish people and the return of Christ on this page.
• Advanced Search: Improved and more help added. This is a very powerful and customizable search engine that allows you to search the website and view the results in all kinds of ways that can be very helpful. All of the options may seem daunting, but you can use as many or as few of the features you need.
• Updates page: See all past MCM Update mailings here.
• Miscellaneous other minor revisions and improvements have been made around the website, besides the usual addition of articles from Pastor Mary.
"The Light Shineth in
the Darkness,
and the darkness comprehended it not..."
A Joyous Christmas
& Happy Hanukkah
as you celebrate the coming of Light, the Savior's birth!
(John 1; 8:12, 10:22-30)
ISAIAH 9:2,6God bless you and a joyful Christmas to you from Jim, Mary, and all of us in Messiah Jesus.
He is coming again......Men's hearts [will be] failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:25-28Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!
But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless... 2 Peter 3:10-14Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood-- and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father--to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Rev. 1:4-8He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
Mary Craig Ministries Update Vol 2 #2 - 10/1/2004 (No. 19) |
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter!
Here's the latest as of October 1, 2004 at Mary Craig Ministries.Welcome to our new newslist members...
-Joyce Smith from South Carolina
-Betty Kline from Missouri -Shannon Fyffe from Kentucky -Wendy Ross from North Carolina
THE BARNABAS PROJECTThe Barnabas project was started as we were directed by God to strategically break down strongholds in homes and communities in South Florida with acts of mercy and giving to those to whom He sends us in Jesus' name.
• Earlier this year, we ministered the gospel through several expeditions to the Mexican immigrant farm worker community in the Florida City area of the Everglades, the Southeastern tip of Florida.
• Our director of the Barnabas Project, Dave Patten, has been meeting with Mayan leaders in Indiantown, Florida, North of us, in preparation for ministry to the Mayan people there. This is right in the area where hurricanes Francis and Jeanne hit in full force. They received some of the worst damage and loss and are getting the least support and assistance right now. Interestingly, the mission to this community was being planned before the hurricanes struck.
The Mayans in Florida are migrant farm workers and immigrants from Mexico and Central America who are descendants of the Mayan people of those regions. The Mayans were a large, powerful and highly cultured civilization for several centuries until the Spaniards conquered them with great difficulty in the 1500s. There are still estimated to be up to 6 million Mayans and Mayan related people in Central America (including the regions that now make up Mexico and other countries), many who have retained their culture, and many who have converted to Roman Catholicism or integrated it into their beliefs and practices.
For more information on the Mayan people and their background, see the following articles:
Wikipedia - Maya . UnMuseum - Lost Cities . - Maya . - Maya (more) . HistoryLink101 - Mayans . Hach Winik - Lacandon Maya
The Mayans here in South Florida have carried with them much of their culture and beliefs. We believe God is opening a door for us to minister to them and bless them with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, and to distribute the provisions we have -- clothes, school supplies, toys, Bibles, tracts and other things the Lord leads us to give them in His name.
See our Craighouse Events Calendar for details on the planned expedition to Indiantown.
MISSIONS UPDATE• Mary and son Steve arrived in Livingstone, Zambia on Aug. 6th. Mary had received a word from God almost a year earlier to go to Zimbabwe and declare his Word there. See Mission to Zambia and Zimbabwe for the story.
• Preparations are being made now for a MCM mission to Bulgaria and Switzerland next summer. Plans are also being made for Mozambique.
CRAIGHOUSE• The weekly Bible study, worship, prayer, and ministry schedule is continuing at Craighouse. The holiness and grace of God, and the blood of Jesus are a continual focus here in every area of ministry and worship. Lately God has been speaking to us as we've been learning from the book of James and regarding His calling out and preparing His pure and spotless bride to walk on a higher plane of holiness and relationship with Him.
Some important words from the Lord for the Body of Christ have been given which I have posted at the bottom of the Prophetic page.
• Who is Jesus Christ? Dr. Mary continues to teach this study every Friday from her book by that name.
• Haitian ministry: On July 20th, we ministered to a Pentecostal Haitian church in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Mary and a team of six from MCM ministered the word, worship, and prophetic words for individuals at the beginning and end of the service.
This was a special revival service that was being held for the entire week. On the day we were scheduled, I started the service by giving a brief message on true worship and then leading in some hymns of worship to the Lord. The declaration of Who we are worshiping, honoring the blood of Jesus, and worshiping in Spirit and Truth through God's grace were stressed. Then several Haitian participants sang hymns and songs in Creole, French, and English. Various ministers then preached and ministered in English and Creole according to Haitian/African-American Pentecostal custom.
At the end, the service was turned over to Mary. As Mary and others began to minister to Lord and to the people with the music of Paul Wilbur playing in the background, the Holy Spirit's anointing came.
The response of the people was varied. Many who had originally crowded up front to receive prayer drifted back to their seats as Mary and the group began to minister to the Lord through the music with great intensity. After about ten minutes of this, Mary began ministering to those who were still waiting for prayer. Words were given to some as she and sometimes others in the group laid hands on them in prayer. Some were overcome by the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor, though we had to hold up one to make sure he did NOT fall. A word about a lost child in pregnancy was given to one woman, others were filled with the Holy Spirit, and one was healed of major shoulder, back pain, and breathing problems. The one who was healed gave an excellent testimonial and was very exuberant about it with a lot of praise to God for her healing! Eventually, some of the leaders began coming up for prayer. God revealed that the night of ministry was ordained by Him for one of the revival leaders in particular. God ministered to him extensively in prophetic word, anointing and prayer.
• The Home Visitation Ministry (HVM) program is still developing with Emily Eason as director. Emily has also been leading people to the Lord as God opens doors, often in the most unexpected ways. The purpose of the HVM program is to minister to shut-ins, sick and infirm, including people and pets, and any who request a visit.
• One of the ladies at MCM, saved out of I. almost 2 years ago, has been leading many to salvation in Jesus. 26 have prayed to receive Christ as their savior through her ministry so far, many from the M. faith, but also Jewish and other religions. She also volunteers once or twice a week at a nursing home and shares the gospel wherever and with whomever God opens a door.
Others at MCM have also had the privileged of leading several to Christ recently.
THE WEBSITE• More articles by Dr. Mary have been added on the News, Views and Updates page and Missions page. A word for Kenya was given in January and two more messages for the Body of Christ in the last few weeks. See the bottom of the Prophetic Messages page for these.
• We have registered the domain name which can now be used to access the MCM website. In the future, a separate section of the site for the Craighouse ministry may be set up with this domain name, or possibly for an entirely separate Craighouse website.
You can reach Pastors Mary and Jim at these email addresses:
Jim: (OR her address at
God bless you!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
Mary Craig Ministries Update Vol 2 #1 - 3/31/2004 (No. 18) |
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter!
Welcome to our new newslist members...Here's the latest as of March 31, 2004 at Mary Craig Ministries.
-Sherry Thorn from Texas
God has given the commission to strategically break down strongholds in homes and communities in South Florida with acts of mercy and giving to those to whom He sends us in Jesus' name.
Ministering the gospel to migrant farm workers
• Our First Visit, Sun. Aug. 24, 2003: On Aug. 24th, a ministry team headed by Pastor Jim and Dr. Mary delivered clothes, toys, school supplies, and other helpful things along with tracts and Bibles to migrant workers at the southern edge of Florida (Florida City). See the story of our first Barnabas Project outreach in David Patten's article, Ministering to Migrant Workers in South Florida.
• Second Visit, Sun. Nov. 22nd, 2003: A MCM team brought a second load of goodies with Bibles and tracts for the farm workers. Lots of Bibles and tracts were handed out. The people were especially receptive on this second visit. They were very open to the gospel, and one mom who had apparently been affected by the first visit, asked to receive Jesus as her savior.
• Third Visit, Sun. Feb. 29, 2004: A team of us lead by Pastor Jim and Mary returned for the third and final visit to our farm worker friends in the South Florida everglades, Florida City. The meeting place is in a very large park with many Park District facilities for sport and recreation where the workers gather for their one day off from working the fields. God providentially provided a special place for us to minister from in the center of the park, a large gazebo, after checking with the proper authorities on our first and subsequent visits.
Most of the men play soccer (football to non-US readers) on the soccer fields in highly organized games with referees. The women and children stroll around, play and just rest wherever they find it comfortable. Interestingly, we noticed a lot less beer bottles and cans strewn around the park than on our earlier visits!
At the gazebo in the center of the park, we unloaded our truckload (thanks to Marcy and her pick-up truck!) and cars full of clothes, toys, school supplies and other goodies, along with tracts and Bibles in Spanish and English. Many were happy to see us again, came with their children and babies and dug through the piles of stuff to find what they wanted. They were very happy and thankful. One of our group held some of the babies for the mothers and ministered to them. Another felt the Holy Spirit's prompting to minister to one woman in the little crowd, spoke to her about it, and found that the Lord had indeed been preparing that woman's heart who had been going through great trials and wanted prayer and to hear about Jesus. Our team member prayed with her and shared Jesus with her for some time on the grass.
The Lord ministered in several other ways to the people and to us. We saw "divine appointments" arranged by Him that were truly awesome. We could tell upon leaving that a lasting affect and change was evident with a number of people and children as well as with the entire community.
New publicity about the plight of these farm workers has come out since the prayer and ministry work began. We believe and see that God is moving in His grace upon them to lift them from some of their bondages as well as to bring those who are His into His Kingdom.
The full story of this last visit has gone out this month in the MCM Quarterly Newsletter to those who are on the postal mailing list. The newsletter will be posted on the website soon.
MISSIONS UPDATE• Zimbabwe and Zambia -- We are continuing to pray for God's work in these countries, and for the doors to be opened for ministry. Mary and Stephen Craig will be going there around mid-year to minister, preach the gospel, and give the word that God has for these nations and their people. God has already connected us with a wonderful medical missionary couple in Zambia who have given their lives to ministry for the Lord in Zambia in the city of Livingstone. They have taken 50 children into their orphanage (filled to capacity), and are caring for another 50 who live in the streets. See also The Word for Zimbabwe.
AT CRAIGHOUSEThe weekly Bible study, worship, prayer, and ministry schedule is continuing at Craighouse. The holiness and grace of God, and the blood of Jesus are a continual focus here in every area of ministry and worship. Coming up through His blood into His presence in worship is what happens regularly in the meetings. Yet we know this is just a beginning.
• Ministry at Craighouse. The ministry at Craighouse is not often "easy". The prophetic ministry, the words God speaks to us or through us often address the secrets of our hearts, wound and expose lies we have clung to, and heal with His grace and mercy. Many struggle to hold themselves up (and some cannot!) as the Holy Spirit moves on them through Mary's ministry in prayer. The ministry of the "rhema" word, that is, the message God gives to individuals, the group and/or the body of Christ and the nations, is deeply imbued with (pervaded, permeated with) the Word of God and anointing that breaks yokes, sets people free from bondages and releases into a deeper walk with and greater anointing in Jesus. The ministry is progressive, usually a little at a time (though it sometimes seems like a LOT at the time). Much as God gave the land to Israel and drove out His enemies in stages. We all have much "homework" to do after these meetings!
Many who are coming have been deeply wounded and crushed from lifetimes of sin, abuse, idolatries, false doctrines and beliefs, emotional and spiritual damage and bondage -- sometimes from families, friends, the Church or a church, church leaders, fellow Christians, and often from and to themselves. Most of us have also been guilty of being the abusers of others! There is much we have to repent of, work through and overcome (not to mention the daily battles!), but God is faithfully and patiently healing, freeing and overcoming in us, bringing us more and more into the liberty we have in Christ. We are overcoming Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by our testimonies. We sense that the battles are intensifying everywhere, all over, but that as sin and darkness abound, God's grace and Light abound and will abound all the more!
We can sense God's presence and anointing as we worship. In prophecy, often we have felt that someone should be comforted, but they receive reproof and admonition. Or we think someone needs a good rebuke, but God gives comfort, healing, and restoration. Often the words given include both characteristics. Most often, God speaks things that one does not expect. Many times words are given that we don't understand (nor does the one who gave the words), and we must pray and search the scriptures and/or wait for His time on it. We must always watch and discern with God's help, especially to hear for ourselves what God is saying to us, and obey what we know. 1 Cor. 14. We see God working in similar ways in many places, as He prepares His bride.
Some we have ministered to have become offended and left. We find that the Lord does not do a whole lot of what we want, but does very much what He wants. We find that He is very much God, and that we are not, as Mary often says.
• A bunch of us went to see The Passion movie several weeks ago. Many of us feel that the movie, while having numerous inaccuracies and deviations from Scripture, is the best portrayal yet of the reality of what Jesus suffered in obedience to the Father, graphically and wrenchingly portraying the torture and tearing of his body and spilling of his blood on our behalf and for the sins of the world. We think it will confront people around the world with the reality of Christ, his sacrifice, his resurrection, and his deity, countering so much of the occultic movies, books and games that have been flooding the scene. The Word of God itself is the true source and power through which the kingdom of darkness will be defeated and the dominion of Jesus Christ will overcome, conquer and rule in the hearts of men and the world.
• Who is Jesus Christ? Dr. Mary teaches this study every Friday. More people are attending to hear and participate in the quest to know Jesus Christ in a deeper way. The Bible study often becomes lively and animated as we study the Scriptures and teaching Mary puts together each week and try to understand what God is teaching us through His Word. We share with one another what God has done and is doing in our lives through what we've learned, and through our struggles, trials and victories in walking things through with Him.
• The Holy Spirit has directed a change in the Friday night worship and ministry time so that all are ministering to each other with the gifts as He prompts and leads us. Each Friday is different, depending upon His leading. (And often depending upon how well we are listening to and obeying Him! We are all learning!) It is especially amazing to see how much and how powerfully God works and ministers through those who have just been in the Lord a short time!
• On Sundays, Pastor Jim has been faithfully giving rich messages from God's Word. Jim has also done an awesome job of producing beautiful, creative quarterly newsletters, now in full color, with deep-teaching articles graphically illustrated through the wisdom and technical skill God has given him. (The MCM newsletter will tend to be released less frequently for now, due to the extra work and expense involved.) On Saturdays, Stephen Craig continues to pray at Craighouse as God leads along with whoever comes to join him.
• On Sunday, March 14th, the Lord led us in commissioning and sending out a pastor and a missionary to begin a church in Georgia, to travel to parts of the state to do spiritual warfare as God leads, to declare the Word of God to break strongholds and proclaim release to the captives, particularly concerning the Indian tribes in that part of the country.
• Dr. Mary and some from the group visited, ministered and received prophetic ministry at a little church gathering of about 50 people in Miami along with Dr. Bern Zumpano. The ministry and worship time continued from morning till after midnight the next morning. The Holy Spirit ministered His anointing powerfully in the Word, the prophetic, and deliverance and healing through Dr. Zumpano, Dr. Mary, and others. Much of the time the Lord was ministering through both of these leaders concurrently to individuals and the group with music and worship continuing throughout.
• A Home Visitation Ministry (HVM) program has been started to minister to shut-ins, sick and infirm, including people and pets, and any who request a visit in accordance with many scriptures the Lord gave concerning this. A committee has been formed, two planning meetings have been held, and Emily Eason has accepted the position of HVM coordinator. We expect to begin ministering to homes, hospitals, nursing homes, possibly prisons, and other places the Lord opens the doors to or leads us to. Emily and others have already been ministering in these areas for some time.
THE WEBSITEThe website is continuing to grow as the Lord provides and as Jim, Mary and others contribute articles and material to post.
• Home page: See the home page for the latest message of the month and prophecies for Africa.
• About Us page: The About Us page has been redesigned and updated with much more information regarding everything you will probably ever want to know (or didn't even know you wanted to know!) about Mary Craig Ministries and Craighouse!
• Missions page: The Missions page has been redesigned and improved, though there is much to do yet in this area, with much more to add when time permits. We hope to begin posting a complete photo gallery of the many mission trips that have been made. Over 50 countries and all seven continents by direct command and many incredible "door openings" and divine interventions to date, and good fruit, much of which is still being revealed.
• Craighouse Calendar: Go here to see what we're up to and events coming up.
• Visitor's page: There have been more contributions to the Visitor's page. Please take a look, and please leave a comment if this ministry has been helpful to you in any way or if you see ways it could be improved.
God bless you as you grow in your knowledge and walk with Jesus, communion with the Holy Spirit, and preparation for His return!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
Mary Craig Ministries Update - Christmas 2003 (No. 17) |
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Greetings in Jesus from Mary Craig Ministries!
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter!
Welcome to our new newslist members...Here's the latest as of December 24th, 2003 at Mary Craig Ministries. This is just a summary -- it would take many pages to tell all that God is doing...
-Mike Neri from India (now in S. Florida)
-Lisa Williams from Ohio
This Sunday about twelve of us along with some of our children gathered together at Craighouse and made the rounds of the neighborhood singing Joy to the World and the other carols house to house. Pastor Jim played the trumpet while we sang with all our hearts to our wonderful God and Savior and to all who would listen. It was a blessed time with Jesus and His angels joining in celebration of our Savior's birth. We distributed Bibles and tracts to those who came out of their homes, along with the good cheer of God's presence! "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Is 9:1-7 Praise the Lord!
THE BARNABAS PROJECTGod has given the commission to strategically break down strongholds in homes and communities in South Florida with acts of mercy and giving to those to whom He sends us in Jesus' name.
Ministering the gospel to migrant farm workers
On Aug 24th, a ministry team headed by Pastor Jim and Dr. Mary delivered clothes, toys, school supplies, and other helpful things along with tracts and Bibles to migrant workers at the southern edge of Florida (Florida City). See the story of our first Barnabas Project outreach in David Patten's article, Ministering to Migrant Workers in South Florida.
A MCM team brought a second load of goodies with Bibles and tracts for the farm workers on Nov. 22nd. Lots of Bibles and tracts were handed out. The people were especially receptive on this second visit. They were very open to the gospel, and one mom who had apparently been affected by the first visit, asked to receive Jesus as her savior.
MISSIONS UPDATE• See the new article from the Quarterly Newsletter, "To the Nations" -- The call and ten years of missions to the nations.
• Zimbabwe -- We are praying for God's work in Zimbabwe, for their repentance toward God, restoration revival and blessing for God's people, "regime change" (Dan 3:21), and the doors to be opened for ministry. Mary will be going there at the time God opens the door for this. See The Word for Zimbabwe.
AT CRAIGHOUSEGod has been doing a wonderful work of refreshing, renewing, and granting of increased anointing to the glory of Jesus, our Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Lord and Savior.
We have been led through the celebration and experience of Tabernacles, which God is still increasing daily. All of the believers coming to Craighouse have been growing in the Word of God, grace, knowing Jesus, and ministering the gospel in our jobs and elsewhere as we receive rich teaching and ministry in the Spirit from Dr. Mary and Pastor Jim.
Over the months and years, various people that God has led to Craighouse have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. Several have lately come to the Lord through the ministry here or sometimes in combination with other ministries. Some have continued on with us and are being discipled, others have been led to continue elsewhere, yet still keep in touch with us.
One just drifting through Florida came to the knowledge of Jesus as savior last month. He has been continuing with us and has been growing wonderfully in the joy and grace of Jesus and in the word of God through great trials and suffering.
God has brought together some wonderful families whom he has been leading out of the darkness of Mohammedism, drugs and witchcraft into salvation in Jesus. One dear ex-M. sister, Emily, has led much of her family to Christ as savior while enduring great trials. Her twenty-something daughter has come out of long-time immersion in drugs, alcohol, the crime culture, witchcraft and demonic possession to a life all the MORE immersed in salvation, the Word of God, deliverance, healing, anointing, spiritual gifts and great fervor and love for Jesus and the brethren. She is a bold and loving witness for Jesus. We ask for prayer for her two remaining siblings and her father. The new believers in her family have led others in the family and elsewhere to salvation, who have in turn been leading others to Christ.
A wonderfully anointed woman full of the love of God by the name of Shelly, a former M., was led to Christ by Emily's brother a year ago and has been coming faithfully and growing tremendously in the knowledge of the Lord and spiritual gifts. Shelly has led her mother and 10 year old son to Christ, several from the nursing home where she volunteers, 9 who were visiting from Turkey this month, and two more from Turkey last week. Her oldest son, John, came to Craighouse last night and received Christ as his Savior after a thorough hour-long teaching with Mary in the gospel and the plan of salvation.
We thank God for all of the great things He is doing here and among his church and bride all over. What a wonderful Christmas blessing that the Savior who was born in obscurity saves, grafts into Himself, and shines His light through those for whom he shed his blood. "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Is. 9:2 (Repeated, I know, but it continually applies!)
"The Light Shineth in
the Darkness,
and the darkness comprehended it not..."
A Joyous Christmas
& Happy Hanukkah
as you celebrate the coming of Light, the Savior's birth!
(John 1; 10:22,23)
ISAIAH 9:2,6God bless you from Jim, Mary, and all of us as you celebrate Messiah Jesus with you at this time and always. Be Joyful. You are highly favored because you are in his Son and He is in you! Luke 1:28; 1 Cor. 1:17-31
Looking for and hastening the day of God and our coming and present Lord and Savior!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
MCM Update No. 16 - 11/1/2003 |
Greetings in Jesus from Mary Craig Ministries!
Here are the latest developments at MCM. See below for updates on the Barnabas Project, Missions,, and Craighouse Events. Read about words from the Lord, what we’re doing, and what we’re studying.
Welcome to our new newslist members...
-Chang B. Oh from California
-Benjamin Tiburcio from the Philippines
-Fran Werezak from Saskatoon, Canada-Shelly Kutluay from Turkey (now in S. Florida)
-The Ozturks from Turkey (now in S. Florida)
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter!
The Barnabas Project
God has given the commission to strategically break down strongholds in homes and communities in South Florida with acts of mercy and giving to those to whom He sends us in Jesus' name.
MCM is now ministering to migrant farm workers in South Florida. A team headed by Pastor Jim and Dr. Mary delivered clothes, toys, school supplies, and other helpful things along with tracts and Bibles to migrant workers at the southern edge of Florida (Florida City) on Aug. 24th. See the story of our first Barnabas Project outreach in David Patten's article, Ministering to Migrant Workers in South Florida. The MCM Quarterly Newsletter will be posted soon with lots of pictures.
Another outreach to these people whom God loves is planned for mid-November.
Missions Update
• See the new article from the Quarterly Newsletter, "To the Nations" -- The call and ten years of missions to the nations.
• Good fruit is still coming in from the missionary journey to Antarctica. Praise God for all His wondrous works as He advances the Kingdom of His beloved Son throughout the earth!!!
• Six months after Mary's ministry of the Word to Madagascar which she delivered in mid-2001, a total regime change took place and a Christian president was elected. He is quite vocal about his faith and his desire to bring about major reform under the headship of Jesus Christ. See the Missions Updates page for the news on what was done in Madagascar and what has happened since.
• Zimbabwe -- It seems that the Holy Spirit is preparing to do a great work in this war-torn nation to turn the Church and the perishing to the Lord Jesus Christ. Mary will be going there at the time God opens the door for this. See The Word for Zimbabwe.
• Did you know? "Mary Craig Ministries has sent 23 people, many going more than once, on 24 mission trips since August of 1994. Teams have ministered in fifty nations of the world and all seven continents. Of the 27 nations given on 'the list,' 21 have been ministered to according to God’s directive that came out in a prayer meeting in 1994."
"As we were faithful to call first cities and then the USA and then nations to "repent or perish," the Holy Spirit sent us to regions and all seas and finally to all seven continents to call them not only to repentance, but also to resurrection. This assignment from the Lord fulfilled Acts 1.8, to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth, an assignment that began in Jerusalem in March 1999. The strategy given to us became an instrument in the hand of the Lord to “break the blood curse.” As we were faithful in the beginning steps, God increased our authority and territory."
"MCM’s motto is: In His Name, by His grace, for His glory. We have gone forth in His Name as His messengers and servants of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the Name of the Lord!"
The Website
The major thrust and purpose of the MCM website is to preach the saving message of Jesus Christ, the cross, and resurrection with deliverance and healing in Him, and to provide quality, doctrinally sound bible teaching and ministry as the Holy Spirit leads. There are now over 180 pages of material available on the website.
• MCM News - Quarterly Newsletter, 10th anniversary edition. Our 10th Anniversary COLOR newsletter issue is out! Thanks to Pastor Jim Craig for the hard work on this, as this issue was especially difficult. Lots of pictures of 10 years of ministry and our latest Barnabas ministry to migrant farm workers. Because it is in graphic format, the newsletter download will be slow over a regular modem connection, but it's worth the wait. Check it out on the MCM home page!
• About us. Everything and more that you have ever wanted to know about Mary and Mary Craig Ministries. Take a look at the redesigned and greatly expanded section with powerful testimonies of Mary's salvation experience, call to the ministry, and missions to the nations. This is worth your time to see what God has done and is doing now.• MCM Calendar of Events. See the latest of what we're up to now. Some really life-changing and revelatory Bible studies and ministry in the Holy Spirit to our Father, the Lord Jesus, and whoever joins us. To God be the glory!!!
1 Peter: Kept by the Power of God
In this Bible study you will learn to stand in the true grace of God as you discover that believers are born for glory, able to suffer by remembering the price of redemption, can live according to God's will, can rejoice and love the peculiar people of God, and move by grace through suffering to glory. In it you will increase your understanding of ministry, relationships, authority, and grace. This is a powerful study for those seeking answers to suffering, those needing to know the God of all grace, and those desiring to live godly in a hostile world.
86 pages. $15 (USA only, Florida residents add 6% sales tax, S&H $2)• Prophetic Messages page. The latest messages given in meetings and elsewhere. New postings have been added, both recent (bottom of page) and older words (higher up the page) pulled from Mary's files. All newer articles posted in the last two to three months are indicated as "new". In the words God gives us through Mary and others in the meetings, God's heart and burden for His holy city, Jerusalem and for Israel in the Land and among the nations comes strong. From His warnings and judgments in love, grace, mercy, and deliverance, and the present and coming appearing of His Son from heaven, it is clear that time is short and we must, above all, seek Him diligently in repentance, put on Christ, and work the works of God while there is still time.
Events at Craighouse
God has done some wonderful, life-changing/Christ-conforming work among us at Craighouse.
At the Lord's direction on Tuesdays, we studied the feast of the LORD given to Israel, culminating in the Feast of Tabernacles.
Dr. Paul Dunteman from American Messianic Fellowship gave an excellent one day seminar in June on the Feasts, their fulfillment in Jesus the Messiah, the application to and present work of Christ/Messiah in our lives and His kingdom, and God's plan and fulfillment of the ages culminating in the physical return of Jesus Christ to destroy His enemies and rule the earth in justice, righteousness and peace, and finally the coming of the new heavens and new earth. He taught the perspective as understood from the Reformed and amillenial position as well as from the dispensational perspective, leaving us with the understanding that we are to study His Word and walk with Him and abide in Him daily, preparing us for the things that are coming and for Christ's coming now and in the days ahead, as He reveals it to His bride, the true church (called out ones).
At God's direction, we studied the prayers of David Livingstone. Reading his prayers will cut you to the heart and awaken you to the seriousness of God's kingdom on earth and the love of God for the souls of men and will change and deepen your own prayer life. Though famous for his work as an explorer, we saw how God worked through this man and his prayers to transform first him (through great trials, suffering, and persecution) and then Africa. Few were saved during his lifetime, though he preached and sought to win souls. He was the key instrument of God for ending the slave trade and laying the foundation for the gospel of Jesus Christ to this continent. He died on his knees in prayer which God is still answering to this day.
Three weeks ago, we built a tabernacle according to Lev. 23 (for teaching and instruction) and learned of God's presence and rest in a greater way (Ps 95, Heb 4) as the Holy Spirit moved on each of us (and some who joined us) in various ways to come into a greater union with Himself, especially with a greater understanding and experience of God as our loving Father who hides and shelters those who hide themselves in Him. Ps. 91
We have been studying 1 Peter for the past six months on Fridays, "Kept by the Power of God." Beginning this week, Nov 7, we begin a new study with Dr. Mary, "Taking Hold of the Holy: What Angels Know."
On Saturdays, Stephen Craig has been faithfully leading the prayer ministry, the foundation of everything that happens here, along with the prayer ministry carried out by Nessa Ellis. Prayer is offered up for the saints, those who write or email their prayer requests, the ministry, and whatever and however else the Holy Spirit leads.
On Sundays, Pastor Jim has been ministering in great depth the Word of God on grace, perversion and it's progression, the parables, and currently the 9 aspects of doubt and God's remedies for it.
See the MCM Calendar of Events for current and future happenings at Craighouse.
May you be richly blessed as you seek to know and find God's rest in Jesus and your heavenly Father more and more!
God bless you!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
MCM Update No. 15 - 4/1/2003 |
Greetings in Jesus!
This is a quick update just to update you on some of the major happenings at MCM.
Welcome to...
-Roland & Glenda Fortier from Kentucky
-Dr. Lois Delevoe from Florida
-Bonita May Buckner
If this message is badly garbled (hard to read), please reply to this email with the subject "NOT READABLE" or click here to email me, and I will resend it to you in plain text format. You can also go to the MCM Updates page to see it correctly in your browser.
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter! Or click here to view the Update through your browser.
Here are the latest developments at MCM...
Expedition to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica
The Antarctica mission report on Feb. 22 was given by the mission team. A powerful photo and videographic tour was presented to MCM members and visitors of what God did and how the gospel was given in the "uttermost parts of the earth," stretching from parts of Chili and Argentina to various parts of Antarctica, including the Polish science station.
It was a dangerous trip, but we all saw God's sovereignty and hand of protection over the little team and the rest of the ship's crew and passengers! Especially with the almost unheard of (according to the crew) calm of the weather and seas for the duration of the trip. Thanks to the many partners and friends who prayed for this.
One passenger fell and was injured on an ice slope and later died. Pastor Jim ministered to him and his wife, and we trust that the ministry and witness God provided for them will bear fruit for eternity.
See Mary's article: Testify of God's Wondrous Works
And the prophetic message given while there, "Preach the Whole Counsel of God" on the Prophetic page.
The Barnabas Project
• Preparation for the Barnabas Project is almost complete. God has given the commission to strategically break down strongholds in homes and communities in South Florida with acts of mercy and giving to those he sends us to in Jesus' name. More to come.
Missions Update
• Did you know? Mary Craig Ministries has sent 23 people, many going more than once, on 24 mission trips since August of 1994. Teams have ministered in fifty nations of the world and all seven continents. Of the 27 nations given on“the list,” 21 have been ministered to according to God’s directive that came out in a prayer meeting in 1994.
As we were faithful to call first cities and then the USA and then nations to “repent or perish,” the Holy Spirit sent us to regions and all seas and finally to all seven continents to call them not only to repentance, but also to resurrection. This assignment from the Lord fulfilled Acts 1.8, to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth, an assignment that began in Jerusalem in March 1999. The strategy given to us became an instrument in the hand of the Lord to “break the blood curse.” As we were faithful in the beginning steps, God increased our authority and territory.
MCM’s motto is: In His Name, by His grace, for His glory. We have gone forth in His Name as His messengers and servants of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the Name of the Lord!
The Website
• Check out the Prophetic Messages page for the latest messages given in meetings and elsewhere.
• Check out the Missions page for the latest on Missionary activity at MCM.
• A full calendar of weekly teaching and ministry has been put together by Mary and the MCM staff for anyone who God is leading to come and receive what God is giving through these ministries.
• We will have a Good Friday service on Friday, April 18th at 7:30 pm. The theme and message will be on Christ Our Passover. We will also have communion around the elements of the Lord's body and blood which he gave for us for our atonement and redemption!
All events are held at
114 E. Mc Nab Road
Pompano Beach, FL
(954)491-7270See the Events page for details!
We are praying for our men and women serving our country in Iraq, and for the Iraqi people who can find true freedom in the Savior who died and rose again for them. We pray for the laborers and workers in God's harvest in these last days to be raised up and sent out. That the harvest of souls be brought in. That God will spare and not many die in this war. That in wrath, God will remember mercy. That our God who brings down nations and rulers and raises them up according to His own purposes and plan will raise up righteous and just leaders for this nation. That He will feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty. And that he will give righteous and wise judgment to our leaders for this and all the issues regarding Israel, our nation, and the world. That God will strengthen the walls of David around Jerusalem and give peace, preparing the way for the coming of the Prince of Peace to His Holy City. Jesus is coming soon, and "every eye will behold him!"
May you be richly blessed as you seek to know and find rest in Jesus and your heavenly father more and more!
God bless you!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
MCM Update No. 14 - 2/1/2003 |
Greetings in Jesus!
Welcome to...
-Pastor Lubega Geoffrey from Uganda
-Carol Burnett from Chicago, IL
-Maria Jensen from Sidney, Australia
If this message is badly garbled (hard to read), please reply to this email with the subject "NOT READABLE" or click here to email me, and I will resend it to you in plain text format. You can also go to the MCM Updates page to see it correctly in your browser.
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter! Or click here to view the Update through your browser.
Here are the latest developments at MCM...
Expedition to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica
The team is back from ministering the Word and the gospel to Antarctica. There will be a Fellowship Dinner and Missions report with Rev. Jim Craig and the Antarctica Missions Team on Saturday, Feb 22, 2003, 6:00 pm at Craighouse.
Come and see what God did as the team fulfilled the command to go to Antarctica, to the "uttermost parts of the earth."
Movies, pictures, and slides of God's artwork in Antarctica. Penguins and seals, the "miracle day," and all that happened as the seventh continent was called in for Christ. Hear the amazing testimony of the strategy for breaking the blood curses given to Mary Craig and taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Mark your calendars now!
See Mary's article: Testify of God's Wondrous Works
And the prophetic message given while there, "Preach the Whole Counsel of God" on the Prophetic page.
The Website
• Persecuted brethren: Several websites have been added over time to the Favorites Places page. I am featuring one that is especially worth visiting, called Voice of the Martyrs, founded by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, messianic believers originally from Rumania who were terribly persecuted and tortured for their faith in Christ. The more they were persecuted, first by the Nazis, then by the communists, the more they preached the gospel and led people to Christ, until their ministry eventually spread worldwide. Check it out on the Favorite Places page.
• Free downloadable Bible software, bibles, and tools -- I have put together some of the BEST FREE downloadable online Bible resources on the Net! You can find the links to them right on the Our Favorite Places page. Free, quality Bible software, Bible texts in many versions and languages, reference works, Bible study tools, maps, books, Christian classical works, etc. Check it out! Our Favorite Places.
• A full calendar of weekly teaching and ministry has been put together by Mary and the MCM staff for anyone who God is leading to come and receive what God is giving through these ministries. All events are held at
114 E. Mc Nab Road
Pompano Beach, FL
(954)491-7270See the Events page for details!
God bless you!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
MCM Update No. 13 - 1/1/2003 |
Greetings in Jesus!
Welcome to...
-Eric Schwartz from S. Florida, USA!
If this message is badly garbled (hard to read), please reply to this email with the subject "NOT READABLE" or click here to email me, and I will resend it to you in plain text format. You can also go to the MCM Updates page to see it correctly in your browser.
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter! Or click here to view the Update through your browser.
The new year brings us closer to the return of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, the Messiah and King of Israel! It is time to come away from everything that hinders and distracts you from your walk with Jesus. To take up your cross and follow Him, and walk in resurrection life with Him.
Here are the latest developments, by God's grace!, at MCM...
Expedition to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica
The Craig team is preaching and ministering the gospel of Jesus in Antarctica, where they also spent Christmas. They will begin heading back toward South America, if God wills!, some time today (1/1/03), and arrive back in the states in about a week.
The Website
• Persecuted brethren: Several websites have been added over time to the Favorites Places page. I am featuring one that is especially worth visiting, called Voice of the Martyrs, founded by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, messianic believers originally from Rumania who were terribly persecuted and tortured for their faith in Christ. The more they were persecuted, first by the Nazis, then by the communists, the more they preached the gospel and led people to Christ, until their ministry eventually spread worldwide. Check it out on the Favorite Places page.
• Prophetic: Three new prophetic messages have been posted. See the Prophetic section for what God has given in some recent meetings.
Here are some excerpts:
Prepare. I am Coming. 11/22/02
The camp fires burn. The home fires burn. The cannons give off their shots. All around is fire, but where is the fire of My Presence? Who will come to My comp fire, My home fire? Who will come to have the enemy destroyed?
Weep and wail for the woes that are coming to the earth., Stay alert. Wake up. Watch and pray. I am coming. It is almost. Soon, and all things are ready. Are you?
Prepare your hearts, your minds to meet your Maker. Put your ear to the wind. Listen to the rustling of angels' wings. I am coming. Can you not hear the excitement of heaven? All heaven prepares. They prepare for a great celebration, the consummation of the covenant, the marriage feast of the Lamb....
My Judgment 11/29/02
Is anything too hard for Me? Is any rhema word impossible for Me? What will you do if your faith starts to go dry? How will you be a green tree? [refers to Revelation 9]
Why is My judgment sent out -- that you would repent and return unto Me!...
The Voice of Many Waters 12/10/02
And God would say to you...I am the Voice of Many Waters, and I speak in the still small voice. In the Book it is written of Me. I speak through the mouth of prophets. I speak through your circumstance. I am He who lives and am alive forevermore. I am the God of the Living. My words are spirit and they are life. You are made clean by the words which I speak. I put truth in the inward parts. I am the Christ, the Wisdom of God...See the Prophetic section for the full articles.
• News and Views: Bringing Heaven to Earth: Check these messages out in the Radio Broadcasts section. You will need Windows Media Player properly installed and working on your computer to hear these messages. Windows Media Player is available right from the Broadcasts section.
Please let me know if you hear these and what you think. If people are listening to them, I will expand the section and add more.
• What is the Visitor's Book? The visitor's book is a "guest book" program I set up so we could include the experience of our visitors to the website. God is doing things in yours and people's lives and giving you insights that would benefit us and everyone who visits. This a simple forum, a page where you and they can share whatever you have found through the website or what you think could improve the website, or whatever you feel you would like to share with us and others who stop by. Or, if you want, you can just sign (type) your name, last/family name not required. I am hoping some of our visitors will share with us (and other visitors) what God is doing in their lives, and in what way the website helped or didn't help you.
But what if you like to be "anonymous"??? You just want to look at the pages and move on? No problem. But if you feel led on one of those visits to click on the visitor's book and leave us a comment, even with just your first name, I and others will be eternally grateful!
But what if you have nothing to say? No visitors allowed who have nothing to say. Just kidding! Even if you click on the Visitor's Book link and leave your name, even first name, we'll be happy with that too! Any time you drop on by, now, next month, or whenever. Whenever you feel like it. You can also comment as often as you feel like it too! (A few times anyway.)
Here's the link to the Visitor's Book. Click the link and tell us what you think! (Warning! Any suggestions you make may show up on the website soon after!)
• Free downloadable Bible software, bibles, and tools -- I have put together some of the BEST FREE downloadable online Bible resources on the Net! You can find the links to them right on the Our Favorite Places page. Free, quality Bible software, Bible texts in many versions and languages, reference works, Bible study tools, maps, books, Christian classical works, etc. Check it out! Our Favorite Places.
• The computer virus problem. Just a word to clarify what's happening. No viruses have gotten into any computers connected with MCM. But we are continuing to get emails from someone, either deliberately or unbeknownst to them, usually addressed either to me or the "newslist", that are infected with a current, widely proliferating virus. We generally don't open emails with attachments, but our antivirus software informs us when emails arrive that contain a virus, and the virus is then deleted.
So... be sure you have kept your antivirus software up-to-date (for your sake, as well as everyone else's) and that it is set to automatically update. If you want to install the latest antivirus software and want to save some money, you can download and install AVG Antivirus for free. Here is the antivirus help link to my website for more info. Just be sure you completely uninstall any existing antivirus software that is already on your computer before installing the new one!
If you want to know more, including how to obtain the free antivirus software, I have provided it on my website. Click here for antivirus help.
God bless you!
Kroy Ellis
Website Manager
MCM Update No. 12 - 12/3/02 |
Greetings in Jesus!
Welcome to...
-Suzanne Njuguna-Randon from California, USA
-Tonya D. Smith-Cauthen, USA
-Cathy Clear, USA
If this message is badly garbled (hard to read), please reply to this email with the subject "NOT READABLE" or click here to send me a message, and I will resend it to you in plain text format.
We trust that our friends in the USA (and everywhere else) had a blessed time of Thanksgiving to and for the One who is totally worthy of praise and thanksgiving, who is returning soon to redeem and restore all that is His, which He purchased at great cost with His own blood, and who rose again and ascended on high until His enemies are made a footstool for His feet! Yes! And the God of peace shall soon crush satan under your feet (Rom. 16:20)! Hallelujah!
*Please "maximize" your window to full size to get the best and easiest view of this newsletter!
Here are the latest developments (through God's grace!) at MCM...
Expedition to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica
"We continue to prepare for our expedition into Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica at the end of this year. This will be a crucial mission literally "to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1.8) The time is fast approaching, and we hope you will want to participate in the praying, giving and sending." From Dr. Mary Craig's Message of the Month
The team will be leaving soon. The announcement of our Savior's birth and redemption will be preached this Christmas in some places where it has never been heard before.
The entire gospel expedition will cost over $25,000. We are praising God and giving thanks that over half of that has already come in! And we thank Him for having already provided all, according to his riches in grace in Christ Jesus!
The message concerning judgment, repentance, salvation, and resurrection in Jesus Christ according to the command God has given us will be given out to all of creation (Mark 16:15-18) in the places he sends the team under the covering of the blood of Jesus, in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and with the prayers of our friends in Christ.
Activities at Craighouse
On Dec. 8th, the Craighouse group and friends will be going into the neighborhoods with Christmas hymns, songs, and instruments celebrating our Savior's birth. The gospel will be given as God enables, tracts and Bibles handed out, and opportunities given for listeners to respond to Messiah Jesus for salvation. This is always a fruitful time of ministry and harvest. We thank God for this opportunity to minister to the lost and perishing, that they might find new birth and eternal life in the One born from heaven, even as we have!
The Website
• Have you heard Mary's message, "Bringing Heaven to Earth"? This series of messages is one of the best of the many that were given by Dr. Craig during two years of radio broadcasts. You will need Windows Media Player properly installed and working on your computer to hear these. Go to the Radio Broadcasts section to listen!
Please let me know if you hear these and what you think. If people are listening to them, I will expand the section and add more.
• We would like your input! Would you sign our MCM Visitor's Book? Please "click the link and tell us what you think"! Thank you ahead of time for giving us some of your time!
• Free downloadable Bible software, bibles, and tools -- I have put together some of the BEST FREE downloadable online Bible resources on the Net! You can find the links to them right on the Our Favorite Places page. Free, quality Bible software, Bible texts in many versions and languages, reference works, Bible study tools, maps, books, Christian classical works, etc. Check it out! Our Favorite Places.
• Prophetic: Several prophetic messages received during meetings have been recorded and placed on Prophetic Messages page. We feel that these are meant for the body of Christ. Please see the latest. Prophetic Messages.
• The computer virus problem is still a major one. We are regularly getting virus infected emails from someone with our email address who doesn't know that their computer is infected. (They may or may not be someone on this mailing list -- There's no way to tell.) The virus sits undetected on the victim's computer and automatically sends an email message with a copy of itself to every email address it can find whenever they connect to the Internet, without their knowing it! We have not been infected, but our antivirus program informs us (and eliminates for us) every infected email that comes into our inbox.
Be sure you have kept your antivirus software up-to-date (for your sake, as well as everyone else's) and that it is set to automatically update. If you want to install the latest antivirus software and want to save some money, you can download and install AVG Antivirus for free. Just be sure you completely uninstall any existing antivirus software that is already on your computer before installing the new one.
If you want to know more, I have provided it on my website. Click here for antivirus help.
"The Light Shineth in the Darkness..."
A Joyous Christmas
& Happy Hanukkah
as you celebrate the coming of Light, the Savior's birth!
(John 1; 10:22,23)
ISAIAH 9:2,6God bless you from Jim, Mary, and all of us as you grow in grace and fellowship with Messiah Jesus at this time in whatever place you are. You are highly favored of God because you are in his Son and He is in you! Luke 1:28; 1 Cor. 1:17-31
Update No. 11 - 9/30/02 |
Greetings in Jesus!
Welcome to...
Charles Hokanson from Virginia, who just joined the list!
Here are the latest developments...
Activities at Craighouse
Pastor Jim, Mary, and other helpers have been putting their heart and soul into setting up the center for ministry to the Lord and to His people.
Here is what is going on at the Craighouse right now...
- In depth bible studies, discussion and prayer ministry on Fridays at 7:30 pm
- Prayer with Stephen Craig on Saturdays at 3:30 pm
- Praise and Prayer Ministry on Sundays at 4:30 pm
See the MCM Events page for meeting information.
Expedition to Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica
"We continue to prepare for our expedition into Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica at the end of this year. This will be a crucial mission literally "to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1.8) The time is fast approaching, and we hope you will want to participate in the praying, giving and sending." From Mary's Message of the Month
The Website
Hear "Bringing Heaven to Earth." Be sure to listen to Mary's audio messages on "Bringing Heaven to Earth." You will need Windows Media Player properly installed and working on your computer to hear these. Go to the Radio Broadcasts section to listen.
Please let us know if you listen to these and what you think. If visitors are listening to them, we will expand the section and add more.
A new Guest Book has been set up on the website. Please see the Guest Book (click the link) and tell us what you think.
Update No. 10 - 8/31/02 |
Greetings in Jesus!
The purpose of these MCM updates is to keep you informed of what's happening on the MCM website and at MCM. If you ever wish to be removed from this list, please just reply to this message with the subject "REMOVE".
If this message is badly garbled, please reply to this email with the subject "NOT READABLE" and I will send these to you in plain text format.
To view this and all past updates from the MCM website through your browser, click this link: Updates
The major thrust and purpose of the MCM website is to preach the saving message of Jesus Christ crucified, resurrected, and glorified, resulting in salvation, deliverance, and healing in Him; and to provide quality, doctrinally sound bible teaching and ministry as the Holy Spirit leads. There are now over 140 pages of material available on the website. If you know of anyone who might be helped by what God is doing through MCM, please send them our website address.
Welcome to...
Messianic Congregation Brit Ahavah (Covenant of Love) of Livermore, CA, who just joined the list!
Here are the latest developments...
Craighouse is Open!
After many years of prayer, preparation, and breakthroughs over spiritual and governmental obstacles by the grace of God! The new Craighouse is finally open and is now in use for ministry, prayer, and praise!
114 E. McNab Rd.
Pompano Plaza
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(S.E. corner of E. McNab & S. Cypress Rd. and N.E. 18th Ave)
(954)491-7270Click this link for a map to the new Craighouse
What and When?
- Sundays 4:30 pm: Gathering of the Saints for Praise & Prayer with Jim and Mary Craig
- Wednesdays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Beginning Sept 25): Bible Study with Mary Craig: Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
- Fridays 7:30 pm (Beginning Sept 6): Bible Study and prayer ministry with Mary Craig: You Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me
- Saturdays 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (Beginning Sept 7): PRAY with Stephen Craig
Haitian Youth Ministry
On Friday, Aug. 16th, Marcia Murray, Jim and Mary, the MCM group, and the Holy Spirit ministered with testimony, a message from God's word, and prayer over the adults, young people, children, and visitors of 1st Ebenezer Christian Missionary Church in Ft. Lauderdale.
Marcy began with a powerful testimony of how God transformed her from a life of darkness, and hopelessness to a life of wholeness, joy, and intimacy and fellowship with the living God through Jesus Christ.
Dr. Mary then gave a powerful message from the Word of God to repent or perish, that God is a consuming fire. It was obvious that much effective ministry of God's word and his love had already been planted in the people and youth over the long-term by the pastors and ministers of this church.
Worship followed. The congregation was lifted in into the presence and throne room of God through worship in music focused on the blood of Jesus and on the glory and praise of God.
Ministry in the Holy Spirit, prayer, and words of knowledge followed. Many of all ages, from children to adults, were overcome and filled by the Holy Purifier and Comforter!
The pastor's wife spoke at the close of the meeting. She shared her feeling that they had experienced God in a way they never had before, that this time had been a real breakthrough for them. Some later said that they had experienced the reality of God in their lives for the first time that night.
Preparation for Antarctica
Preparations are continuing for the next major expedition for the gospel to the last continent.
The Commission
The command from God is to go and "plant the seed", especially the word of God.
The Trip
After arriving in Chile in December, Mary and the team will leave on an ice cutting freighter from the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will arrive in Antarctica several days later and work their way partly inland where they will preach and share the gospel as God allows. Much prayer and spiritual warfare will be done against the adversary in Jesus' name before and during the voyage, if God wills. More details will follow.
Friday Night Bible Study and Prayer Ministry
Last night continued the study in Mary's home on "You Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me." The meeting then moved to the new Craighouse. During worship, the Holy Spirit filled the little group and the place. Everyone was affected by the anointing and the words given.
One of the women was in considerable pain in her neck and shoulders, barely able to lift groceries. She was completely delivered and healed. She said she felt like something had lifted off of and gone from her back and shoulders during the prayer over her. She moved her arms around and did things she hadn't been able to do in several days.
It seems, from what we have found, that the people who come most consistently (and/or are consistent in their personal walk with God) tend to receive the most long-term benefit and spiritual growth from the meetings, at least as God has worked so far. It takes determination to keep coming, especially when one can go for long stretches without seeing outward evidence of God's working. God works according to His own way and time rather than ours!
We are trusting God for revival in all of us, an outpouring of love, and further healing and deliverance!
Update No. 9 - 8/15/02 |
Greetings in Jesus!
The major thrust and purpose of the MCM website is to preach the saving message of Christ's cross and resurrection with deliverance and healing in Him, and to provide quality, doctrinally sound bible teaching and ministry as the Holy Spirit leads. There are now over 140 pages of material available on the website. If you know of anyone who might be helped by what God is doing through MCM, please send them our website address.
Welcome to...
Randy Orris from San Jose, CA, who just joined the list!
Here are the latest developments:
Craighouse to Open Soon
Pastor Jim, Mary, and helpers are busily preparing the new Craighouse for the grand opening, our first meeting, on Fri. Sept. 6. See the MCM home page for an excerpt about what's happening from the newest Message of the Month.
A regular Praise and Prayer ministry gathering will be held at Craighouse every Sunday at 4:30 pm, beginning Sunday, Sept. 8. See the MCM Events page for the details.
Many other ministry activities are planned once the Craighouse doors open. See the MCM Message of the Month for the details.
Haitian Church Youth Outreach
Marcia Murray and others with the MCM team will be ministering with testimonial, a gospel message, worship, and prayer ministry to a large number of folks in the Haitian and surrounding community this Friday.
World Missions
Mary and MCM are preparing for the upcoming expedition into Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica at the end of this year. From the M.O.M.:
"This will be a crucial mission literally "to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1.8) Antarctica will be the seventh continent called in for Christ. I will be telling you more about it in the months ahead. Our research is leading us into foundation and "earth" issues in the Scriptures."
See the Message of the Month for some fascinating info about this. See past Updates for more background about the call to these places which God gave in prayer several years ago.
Prayers IV and More is Out
"Prayers IV and More is now available from MCM for $12.00 ($12.72 for those of you that live in Florida). Add $2.00 for shipping and handling, please. This is the 16th book/publication of Mary Craig Ministries. Prayers IV and More continues the Prayer Book series but also includes sermons and articles that carry you deeper in your walk with Jesus." See the Message of the Month (near the bottom of the page) to see what's covered in this new Prayer and ministry manual. The MCM Teaching Catalog contains a description and table of contents.
Update No. 8 - 8/1/02
Greetings in Jesus!
It has been a long time since I have updated you on what's going on at the MCM website and MCM.
Because this update is somewhat lengthy, due to the time that has passed since the last one, I have broken it up into several parts so that you digest a little at a time. Future updates will usually be short. Feel free to save these and read a little at a time for those of you on busy schedules.
There have not been any BIG updates or changes to the website since the last Update, though a lot of activity has been going on at MCM.
God willing, I will begin to send out more frequent updates to you from now on.
First of all, a welcome to the following who have joined the MCM email list:
George Brown from Texas, USA
Daniel Robert from West Africa
Dr. Philip Tan from Singapore
Jennifer Zolper from USA
Candice Amberg from Arkansas, USA
Pierre Labrosse from Canada
Debi Durham from Georgia, USA
Erica Joseph from Florida, USA
Sheila Carpenter from Minnesota, USA
Louise Clandenen from Arkansas, USA
Peggy Bridges from N. Carolina, USA
Philip Makupa from Tanzania
Mary Alice Kelly from Texas, USA
Old News
• What's been happening? To see previous Update mailings: Go to
• How does the MCM website get from MCM to your computer? See the last Update, and see the info about our new website hosting service. In January, we switched our hosting service to Christian Web Host (see also CWH Network info), and our domain name service to Click the links to learn more about it.
• Want to know more about Mary Craig Ministries? A new page was added to the website providing more detailed information about MCM and how you can support this ministry. Please see the About Us page, at the very bottom.
• Faith cometh by hearing... Hear Mary's bible teaching messages by going to the Divine Appointment radio programs on the News and Views page. You will need Windows Media Player properly installed on your computer to listen to these. Many more Divine Appointment programs are waiting to be added to the site and will be in the near future, with God's help!
• Mission to the South Pacific: In January, Mary and Marcia Murray completed their missionary trip to New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania. See the Updates page for details.
New News
Website News
• Now you can see the entire "MCM Quarterly Newsletter" in full color with graphics and photos in PDF format on the MCM home page. On the MCM home page, scroll down to the "MCM Quarterly Newsletter" panel.
Thanks to the hard work and technical skills of Rev. Jim Craig! You will need the latest free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view this. The download and installation is usually pretty simple.
If you have the latest version of Acrobat reader, you can click on the following link to view the June Newsletter: MCM Quarterly Newsletter for June. This file is 1MB in size. Be warned that if you have a slow modem connection (below 33.6 bps) this could take over five minutes to download!
• More on MCM books and manuals: On the Teaching Media page, I have added table of contents to some of the books, thanks to the suggestion from our friends in Singapore! I hope to add TOCs to the other books soon.
• Who's visiting our website?
At present, (our counter service) is indicating 100 to over 130 visitors per week. The most heavily visited pages, besides the home page, are #1 Healing, Deliverance, and Eternal Life, #2 Prophetic Messages, #3 MCM News & Views. Since the counter misses between 10% and 25% of the "hits", we are probably getting well over 150 visits per week, or over 600 visits per month. Many of these are also probably repeat visits. We have visitors from 58 countries so far.
Here are the country stats, but keep in mind that these are probably only about 60 to 75% accurate:Visitors counted since Feb. 2000: Countries
USA (.COM,NET,ORG,EDU,GOV,MIL,US) 3463 (68%), UNKNOWN (.???) 939 (19%), CANADA (.CA) 76 (1%), AUSTRALIA (.AU) 60 (1%), SINGAPORE (.SG) 56 (1%), United Kingdom (.UK) 37 (<1%), SOUTH AFRICA (.ZA) 29 (<1%), MALAYSIA (.MY) 18 (<1%), NEW ZEALAND (.NZ) 18 (<1%), MAURITIUS (.MU) 11 (<1%), TAIWAN (.TW) 11 (<1%), SAUDI ARABIA (.SA) 9 (<1%), BRAZIL (.BR) 8 (<1%), SWEDEN (.SE) 7 (<1%), ISRAEL (.IL) 7 (<1%), NETHERLANDS (.NL) 6 (<1%), ITALY (.IT) 5 (<1%), BELGIUM (.BE) 5 (<1%), FINLAND (.FI) 4 (<1%), TANZANIA (.TZ) 4 (<1%), SWITZERLAND (.CH) 3 (<1%), JAPAN (.JP) 3 (<1%), SOLOMON ISLANDS (.SB) 3 (<1%), TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (.TT) 3 (<1%), AUSTRIA (.AT) 3 (<1%), GERMANY (.DE) 3 (<1%), MEXICO (.MX) 2 (<1%), NAMIBIA (.NA) 2 (<1%), BRUNEI DARUSSALAM (.BN) 2 (<1%), DENMARK (.DK) 2 (<1%), SAINT LUCIA (.LC) 2 (<1%), GREECE (.GR) 2 (<1%), HONG KONG (.HK) 2 (<1%), ZIMBABWE (.ZW) 2 (<1%), INDIA (.IN) 2 (<1%), IRELAND (.IE) 1 (<1%), NORWAY (.NO) 1 (<1%), PHILIPPINES (.PH) 1 (<1%), POLAND (.PL) 1 (<1%), BAHAMAS (.BS) 1 (<1%), DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (.DO) 1 (<1%), JAMAICA (.JM) 1 (<1%), SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic) (.SK) 1 (<1%), SLOVENIA (.SI) 1 (<1%), ARGENTINA (.AR) 1 (<1%), KENYA (.KE) 1 (<1%), SPAIN (.ES) 1 (<1%), SURINAME (.SR) 1 (<1%), LATVIA (.LV) 1 (<1%), LEBANON (.LB) 1 (<1%), LITHUANIA (.LT) 1 (<1%), FRANCE (.FR) 1 (<1%), BOTSWANA (.BW) 1 (<1%), UGANDA (.UG) 1 (<1%), COSTA RICA (.CR) 1 (<1%), VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.) (.VI) 1 (<1%), YUGOSLAVIA (.YU) 1 (<1%), ZAMBIA (.ZM) 1 (<1%), CYPRUS (.CY) 1 (<1%), CZECH REPUBLIC (.CZ) 1 (<1%)
Total "counted" visits since Feb. 2000: 6000
The most non-USA identified visits, other than Canada, are Australia and Singapore! Then UK, South Africa, Malaysia, and New Zealand.
Ministry News
• In a powerful prayer meeting in 1993, the Holy Spirit gave the meeting a list of 27 nations, covering all the continents, to be visited with the gospel and the message of "repent or perish," and resurrection in Jesus Christ. Mary has led 44 mission trips so far in obedience to the call, 19 from "the list". Six continents have been covered, leaving only one, which is Antarctica. Plans are in the works to fulfill the call with a mission trip to this last continent. This is MCM's small part in fulfilling the commission of our Lord Jesus...
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:15-18)and...
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Mat. 24:12-14)
• Mission to Singapore: In October, MCM sponsored a Target Asia prayer campaign. In March, Mary and Betty Patten traveled to Singapore to call in Asia to repentance and resurrection in Jesus Christ. Please see the "MCM Quarterly Newsletter for June" for more details.
• Ministries of Mercy: Donations of money, clothing, supplies, and toys for children have been and are being distributed to ministries at home and worldwide, most recently to God's Little Acres, His Caring Place, His Walk, Peru Orphanage, World Harvest Missions Outreach, AOG Madagascar orphanage, and Trinity Community Church.
• Email ministry: Mary's email correspondence is an ongoing ministry. Many emails come weekly. Mary prays over and responds personally to each one. Mary has received wonderful testimonials from people who have been helped by the website and by their correspondence with her.
• Friday night bible study and prayer ministry: Currently Mary is teaching on the topic, "You shall be witnesses unto Me: The testimony of Jesus Christ." See the Events page for details. Pastor Jim sometimes fills in with incredibly enlightening "deep mining" of the word of God, including discussions of the Greek and Hebrew texts. Over the past year of bible studies and prayer ministry, we have seen several people receive Jesus Christ as Savior, a number of recommitments to Jesus, much growth in grace and sanctification, learning increasing obedience to the Holy Spirit and his Word, and quite a bit of inner healing and gradual deliverance as the Word and prayer are received. The bible studies are very in depth and challenging, with some intense discussion and interaction as the group works through some of the difficulties, questions, and personal experiences that arise as the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to things he is teaching us. The prophetic words God is giving in the prayer ministry really hit home with various people, as the Holy Spirit speaks his word directly to our hearts, sometimes in ways that can be cutting and painful, yet in time wonderfully liberating. (John 8:31-36)
• Craighouse: A new, larger location for Craighouse has been obtained in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Negotiations with the landlord and the zoning department are being finalized. Many spiritual and legal hurdles have been overcome. We hope to open the new Craighouse doors by Monday, Aug. 5th! Much work will need to be done, once we get in, to prepare the facilities for the ministry God has given us. Until then, regular bible teaching and prayer ministry continues at the current location. Much of the burden falls on Mary, and also on Jim in all of these endeavors, but we trust God to carry Pastor Jim, her, and everyone through as the Holy Spirit moves on the work according to His will! (Zech. 4:6)
What is Craighouse? The vision: "Craighouse is a Christian community refuge for those seeking help and hope in Jesus Christ. Craighouse exists to offer refuge, times of refreshing, and restoration to the spiritually orphaned and wounded of the Christian community in an atmosphere of grace. Craighouse purposes to present the truth of Christ in a paradigm for living by the Word and by the Holy Spirit. Craighouse aspires to minister the resurrection power of Jesus Christ through worship, witness, the Word, and the Holy Spirit to those God brings to its doors." People bringing people to help and hope in Jesus.
God bless you!
Addendum: Prayers IV has just been published.
Side Note: If you are new to computing and the Internet, there are some good sources for tutorials and help. This is not related to MCM, but is just offered as a courtesy by me, in case you are struggling with some of the issues of using your computer and the Internet. Reply to this email and I will give you the info.
Update No. 7 - 2/17/02
Greetings in Jesus!
A new web page has been added to the MCM website providing more detailed information about Mary Craig Ministries and how you can support us if God leads you this way.
Please see the About Us page at the very bottom: "More About MCM...."
Update No. 6 - 2/12/02
Welcome to the following who have joined the MCM email list:
Yanel Lind from USA
Mohsin Gill from Pakistan
Barbie Diaz from USA
Jaona Randriamorasoa from Madagascar
Fredrick Conradie from South West AfricaThe Latest Website Work
Much work has been done in the last month "under the hood of the car," so to speak, that is transparent to website visitors. After much prayer, research, and preparation, I have moved the website to a new host, Christian Web Host, Inc.
When you visit the website, you are actually connecting to their computers in Baltimore, MD where our website is now stored and displayed to your computer. More will be coming in the future regarding this, but suffice it to say for now that you will probably notice fewer slow-downs of the website, among other improvements associated with our new host. This will also save us about $170 a year over what we were spending to register and service four domain names. Things have changed dramatically in the Internet world since we first began the website two years ago, and we will try to take advantage of it, with God's help!
Be sure to check out Mary's Divine Appointment radio programs on the News and Views page. You will need Windows Media Player properly installed on your computer to listen to these. Many more Divine Appointment programs are waiting to be added to the site and will be in the near future, with God's help!.Missionary Trips
Mary and Marcy have just returned from their three week missionary trip to New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania, with special focus on the aborigines and the principalities revolving around these people and Ayers rock in the middle of the continent. (See Warning -- This is a very new age author (Please pray for her to find the True Light -- Jesus!), but typical of the spiritual stuff surrounding this rock.) The message God has given Mary to the people in all the continents where He is sending her is, "Repent or perish," and the call to resurrection in Jesus Christ.
The previous missionary trip six months ago was to Madagascar. Along with ministry in the spiritual realm, Mary was able to bring clothes, toys for the orphans, and provide according to God's direction enough money for 20 new mattresses to replace the terribly dilapidated ones the boys in the orphanage were sleeping on. Mary was extremely blessed by the hard work, love, and dedication of the AOG missionaries there.
Before that was Jerusalem and the East Gate with Pastor Jim and others, which was a surprise call that shook a lot of things up for all of us. God is preparing his bride and preparing the way for his soon return! It is acknowledged and a blessing to know that many other ministers, missionaries, and co-laborers are being sent out on similar missions as the Holy Spirit directs them. This is just a small part of God's overall plan to prepare for Jesus' coming.
Next stop, southeast Asia with Betty Patten. This ministry trip will have a special focus that has been on God's agenda regarding all of Asia.
Mary receives requests to minister in many places. Right now she is mostly staying close to whatever the Holy Spirit directs her to do, which presses her and the ministry to the very limit. He has given her and the ministry a list of 27 countries that she is to deliver His message to, covering all the continents. She has gone to 42 countries so far, 25 of them from the list.
God has led the ministry to put up the website to spread and make available the ministry to whoever desires to receive what God is giving her and Pastor Jim. The tools have just become available to us to post the entire quarterly newsletter in .PDF format on the website so that all have easy access to it. Plans are in the works to begin setting this up on the website soon, God willing!Friday Night Bible Study, Song of Solomon
In the Friday Night Bible studies, we are having intense teaching and study in the Song of Solomon with some lively, hard-hitting questions and discussions, as we seek to know more of our calling and deepening relationship with Jesus as His bride and called-out ones. The prayer time is always a special ministry from the Lord to each one of us. Prayer for the persecuted brethren around the world will be a continuing focus here.
New Developments
MCM was presented this Sunday with the opportunity to be sponsored for a one hour weekly slot between 4:00 and 6:00 pm on a popular secular radio station in South Florida, WAXY AM 790.
The MCM board, based on special circumstances and what they believe is the Holy Spirit's direction, has just approved the go-ahead for a weekly one hour program, contingent upon the location of sponsors to cover the cost of the program. The cost would be $350 per weekly broadcast or $1400 to $1750 per month. If God wills, Mary will go on the air for one hour each week with evangelistic Bible teaching directed to listeners in South Florida and the Caribbean.
The MCM Mailing Lists E-NEWS UPDATES: Get the latest news
on what's happening at Mary Craig Ministries and the MCM website.
Send us an email with: QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER and Message of the Month: To receive the MCM Quarterly Newsletter and Message of the Month, please include your postal mailing address in your email, and we will put you on the POSTAL mailing list. (We apologize to our friends outside the USA, but we can only do postal mail to the USA at this time). REMOVE ME: To be REMOVED from the MCM email lists, please send an email to: Please specify in your email message if you ALSO want to be removed from the POSTAL mail list (if you are on it).
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